So you're new to Texas Holdem poker? Not a problem.
Texas Hold 'em poker is by far the best game for a beginner to
learn. Instead of other poker games like Omaha High or 7 card
stud which entail a great many more possibilities for calculating
odds and perhaps even trying to count cards, Holdem can be
learned in a few minutes by anyone, and you can be playing fairly
well with a few hours practice. In order to learn the game,
however, you must play and you must play fairly often.
All Online Poker Casinos today offer a wide variety of play money
tables for beginners to practice their skills until they're ready to
move up to the fun at real money tables.
A Texas Holdem poker game goes as follows:
1. The betting structure can vary, but most games start with two
players placing out a predetermined amount of money so there is
an initial amount to play for. This is called posting the blinds. These
players are the two to the left of the
2. The
Dealer shuffles up a complete deck of 52 playing cards.
3. Each player is dealt two cards face down. These are called your
hole or pocket cards.
4. Then there is a round of betting starting with the guy to the left
of the two who posted the blinds. This round is usually referred to
by the term pre-flop.
5. The amount betted depends on the table stakes, which are
posted before you join the table.
6. Much like most games of poker, players can check,
Raise, or fold.
7. After the betting round ends, the
Dealer discards the top card of
the deck. This is called a
Burn Card. This is done to prevent
8. The
Dealer then flips the next three cards face up on the table.
These cards are called the flop. These are communal cards that
anyone can use in combination with their two pocket cards to form
a poker hand.
9. There is another round of betting starting with the player to the
left of the
10. After the betting concludes, the
Dealer burns another card and
flips one more onto the table. This is called the turn card. Players
can use this sixth card now to form a five-card poker hand.
11. The player to the left of the
Dealer begins another round of
betting. In many types of games, this is where the bet size doubles.
12. Finally, the
Dealer burns a card and places a final card face up
on the table. This is called the river. Players can now use any of the
five cards on the table or the two cards in their pocket to form a
five-card poker hand.
13. There is one final round of betting starting with the player to
the left of the
14. After that, all of the players remaining in the game begin to
reveal their hands. This begins with the player to the left of the last
player to call. It's called the showdown.
15. The player with the best hand wins!
It's difficult to learn to play Texas Hold 'em in the traditional
setting of a casino's poker room without losing to experienced
gamblers. Thankfully, you can practice all you want for free with
online poker rooms.
The only way to learn the game is to play. And pay attention.
Check out Online Casinos to get a feel for the action. Play all you
want for free, and start playing for real money when you feel
ready. They have both low limits (betting) for newer players as
well as high stakes tables. Since we mention betting, lets look at
the basics.
A bet is a declaration that either -
a)?I have the best hand and I'll wager money on it?
b)?You have a poor hand, and you will fold if you are
forced to wager on it?.
Typically, players are supposed to bet when they have a good hand.
Players who don't have good hands are supposed to fold.
Of course, if this was the case, we all might as well wager on
flipped coins. Most players play contrary to this idea, attempting
to be clever or deceptive. Don't fall into this trap when you are
just learning to play.
Keep it simple. Dont be clever. Bet when you think you will win
and fold when you cant. But there are going to be situations
where you should bet even if your cards arent the best.
Here are some situations you should start looking at to improve
your game.
Texas Holdem is unique because the two blinds are in whether
they want to or not.
As a result of being forced to bet, they are also less committed than
a player who really believes they can win - but since they have to
bet, they would be fools not to stay in the game.
Now imagine you are the
Dealer, and only you and the two blinds
are still in. In this situation, if you
Raise against them, your
Raise is
called ?blind-stealing?. Why? Your
Raise is forcing the blinds into a
situation where they may fold.
Remember, they are only in the hand because they have to be.
Its easy to push players in this situation out of the game. Its likely
that if you didn't
Raise and just called, the blinds would probably
check. You can make money this way, especially if the blinds are
looser players. Its also a way to get the hand over so you can go
on to the next game.
The choice spot in a betting round is the cat-bird seat. You are the
last in sequence to bet so you get to see what the other players are
up to. If all the other players have checked to you, and you bet
(regardless of your hand), you can often force the other players to
fold. Taking the pot in this situation is called steal-raising.
Obviously, if you try this every time, the better players will be
onto you and see through your tactic. Its a great idea to steal
when you have a good drawing hand such as a flush draw.
Most Texas Holdem tables will permit raising after you have
Check raising is a technique to build the pot. If you have a
winning hand and you bet right away, you may chase away
players who could add to the pot. So lets say you check. Another
player sees an advantage, assumes you are uncertain about your
hand and
Raises. Now you can
Raise their bet again. Its unlikely at
this point that they will fold having committed to the round by
raising the bet.
This is a very traditional
Bluffing move. The first person following
the blinds in the round
Raises aggressively, making all other
players call both the blind and the
Raise. The only reason a player
would do this so early in the game is to limit the number of
players. Usually you will see a number of players fold. The ones
left though will have great hands or will refuse to be intimidated
by this tactic. Some people call this move betting for information.
This only works with small groups of players.
Decisions, decisions, decisions. Poker is a game of
constant decisions. They range from the critical to
the mundane and they occur at a dizzying pace;
often dozens of times per minute. Online card play
is especially fierce and the pressure can be intense.
Do I
Raise? Do I stay? Do I call? Do I fold? Even
when a loss attributed to a wrong decision is small, it eventually
adds up. Making the best decisions based on the information you
have at hand is the key to beating your opponents.
A great example of a critical decision in Texas Hold'em that
happens on almost every hand is the problem associated with
defending a
Small Blind. Suppose that while playing online in a
Texas Hold'em game, with $1 and $2 blinds, a player always
defends their
Small Blind stays in even with a garbage hand
because theyve already invested the $2. Based on the random
distribution of cards, you're typically dealt such a throwaway
hand about one-third of the time.
At 50 - 60 hands per hour - a typical pace in online card rooms -
the average player is dealt the
Small Blind six times every 60
minutes. If they always call, they wind up calling twice each hour
when they should be folding. That's $6 per hour minimum. If you
play ten hours per week, at the end of the year you've given away
over three thousand dollars. Ouch.
Thats only one example of the kind of big picture thinking that
can make the difference between being a winner or a loser over the
long haul.
All the latest research (from the online casinos themselves)
show quite clearly that over 50% of your winnings at the online
poker table will be determined BEFORE YOU ARE DEALT A
SINGLE CARD (some would suggest its even higher than 50%).
Here are the Ten key non-card based decisions you must make in
Texas Holdem poker to be successful. Few of these have anything
to do with the bricks and mortars version of the game. After the
summary, we will go into more detail. But even if you never read
the follow-up, if you adopt these simple basics your winnings will
increase dramatically.
1. SELECT A CASINO. Rule number one. Be a member of no less
than six online casinos so you can rotate and move around from
casino to casino during play. Select only well-known casinos with
excellent reputations for paying quickly and maintaining industryaccepted
randomizing algorithms (more on this later).
2. SELECT A BETTING LIMIT. But only if its $1/2, $2/4 or $5/10
blinds. This section will discuss the research, the math, and the
studies on human nature that prove conclusively that high-stake
limit tables are not the place to make money. They are however an
excellent place to lose large amounts of cash in a big hurry. The
return on investment (
ROI) is best at medium limit tables.
3. SELECT YOUR STAKE. No decision here if your smart. You
must have 50 to 100 times the
Big Blind. Any less and your chances
of making money nose dive. More will only improve your table
cred and help to intimidate weaker players.
4. SELECT A TABLE. Spend at least 15 minutes watching the play
at each table. Review your notes if recognized players are present.
Check out at least three tables before you start. Then select the
loosest table. To win at Texas Holdem Poker you must play tight
in loose games and play in loose games only. If all the tables are
tight, run. Go back to Step 1.
5. SELECT A POSITION AT THE TABLE. Watch for the tightest
player at the table. Pick a spot to that players left. We have
dedicated an entire chapter later on to table position strategy.
6. TAKE NOTES ON PLAYERS. Record playing styles. Do they
Raise before the flop? Do they fold before the flop? Whats the size
of their stake? Do they react quickly or slowly when their turn
comes up? What kind of cards did they play on? Everyone should
take player notes at casinos like Party Poker where they offer the
feature. Don't know how to take notes? Just right-click on the
avatar (picture) of the target player and click ?Player Notes?. That
feature is there for a very good reason use it.
7. TURN OFF CHAT. Its distracting and rarely valuable. If you
want to chat, use MSN but never while youre playing for
not the time to catch the score on your favorite game or consume a
bucket of chicken. If anyones going to be distracted, it should be
your opponents. Let them miss cues, watch their
Stack disappear
and wonder what happened.
9. PLAY TIGHT. Follow the Food Chain Theory. Learn the rules.
Understand the odds. Bet like a shark, not a fish.
10. PLAY FOR ONE HOUR then take a break, regardless of
whether you re winning or losing. This will keep you sharper
than the other players who are hanging on for that one last win.
And there you are. Ten steps that will make you thousands, maybe
a lot more over time. Interested in understanding the machinery
behind these basic rules? Read on.
Never Start
One of the keys to winning Poker is having enough chips. You
need to be able to weather a streak of bad cards and be there when
the cards finally turn in your favour.
So what would we suggest for a minimum
Buy In? If you are
playing a $2 - $4 game, start with at least $400 to $800 (roughly 100
times the big bet). The degree of variation accounts for your style
of play. A super aggressive player should bring more to the table
than a tighter player.
Stacks tend to get bigger respect as well. Especially from
new players. So keeping a decent amount of chips in front of you
not only improves your chances of winning, it provides an
intimidation factor. However, you should always have enough
chips available in your bank to jump into a different game. If you
keep your whole
Bankroll in front of you, you can't buy-in to
second game without cashing out of the first.
The Awesome Power of Short Playing
One big difference between the Internet and live bricks and mortar
play is that players are constantly moving in and out of games.
The accessibility of the Internet allows players to just sit down and
play a few hands, a few minutes, or maybe just an hour. In a live
game, you generally are playing with the same opponents for at
least a few hours and maybe even up to seven or eight hours. This
rarely occurs on the Internet. How does this affect strategy?
Your opponents will not have a very long time to evaluate your
play. This means that you should play more straightforward and
less deceptively than you would in a live game. One of the benefits
of playing deceptively or trying a
Bluff is the advertising value you
receive on future hands when your opponents think you are a
loose wild player. A loose table image can help you earn more
chips later when you hold strong hands that your opponents call
because they think you might be
Bluffing. On the Internet, you
may not be sitting with the same opponents long enough to benefit
from this image.
Against regular opponents, you still need to mix up your play on
the Internet, but overall, you should mix it up less than you would
in a live game. Against new opponents, the best strategy is to
simply play a straightforward tight game without worrying too
much about how your table image might affect future hands.
Some Useful Online
Bluffing Tips
On the Internet, you are dealing with names and avatars, not faces.
Some of the most powerful cues used in poker are no longer
available to us. This psychological part of poker makes for a
different type of game on the Internet. For example, there seems to
be more
Bluffing on the Internet compared to live games. Players
feel far more anonymous on the Net and are therefore prone to
wilder, less cautious moves.
Another reason why players may tend to
Bluff more online than in
a casino is the ease in which you can
Bluff. Online you just have to
click your mouse. In a live game, you have to physically move
your chips and stare down your opponents at the table. Chips are
popular in casinos because they remove us emotionally from the
concept of real money. Studies have shown that players are more
reckless with chips than with real cash. Online, we are even more
removed from the idea that this is real money (they are virtual
chips) so the average
Bluffs are larger and more common.
Overall, if you look at the data, players tend to be
more deceptive online than in a live game.
Insider Tip
This impacts online strategies in two ways. First, you cant assume
your opponents are
Bluffing all the time, but you will need to call
Raise a little more often against those opponents who are
trying to win every pot.
On the other hand, you should probably
Bluff a little less often
since your opponents will tend to call you a little more. They also
realize that players online
Bluff a lot, so they will tend to call more
even with weak hands. They will also find it easier to just click the
mouse to call compared to physically moving their chips in a live
Remember! Early Decisions Matter Most
Early choices in Texas Holdem usually mean more than later ones
because of their impact on subsequent decisions. Whenever you
make an incorrect move up front, you run the risk of rendering
each subsequent decision incorrect as well. That's why your choice
of starting hands is usually much more critical than how you play
on future betting rounds.
Pre-flop: The person with the best two hole cards is most
likely to win at showdown.
After the flop: The player currently holding the best fivecard
hand is most likely to win at showdown.
After the turn card is dealt: The player currently holding
the best five-card hand is most likely to win at showdown.
After the river card is dealt: The player currently holding
the best five-card hand has won at showdown.
What have we learned from this? The value of your present cards
is always much greater than the expected value. If your opponent
has you beat now and you know it, calling heavily for a card to
come is not tight play. Evaluating the hands of your opponents
will only help your game if it helps you to avoid unreasonable
Working The Lobby
Dont rush through the lobby of your favorite online casino.
Spending some time there can be as important as the time you
spend playing the game itself. Take a walk around the room.
Check out the games and the limits being played. The online lobby
offers a wealth of valuable information that is only a click away:
info on the number of players seeing the flop, the average pot size,
number of hands played per hour, names of the players in each
game, who is on the waiting list, and how many games of a
particular limit are in play.
This information is essential to choosing the right game and limit.
Some folks prefer wild games. Some prefer more
Passive ones.
Some like full games; some like short-handed. Players who are
nearly equally competent in all games can choose between a dozen
or more games at the limit of their choice.
Game and table selection is a critical part of casino poker.
Fundamentally, it is even more important online. At first glance it
might seem that table selection is less important online because it
is extremely easy to move from one game to another. This is not
the case. The tools are available for players to be constantly aware
of where the good games are. Constant vigilance is a price of
winning online.
When signing up for games, never choose the ?any game? at this
limit option. This takes away your ability to manipulate your
position on each sign-up list. For instance, if youve signed up for
any $15/30 Holdem game, and your name comes to the top of the
list in a game filled with players you dont want to play with, if
Pass this game, you are removed from all the $15/30 lists
automatically. Likewise, if you rise to the top of the list on a game
that doesn't look good now, but has potential because of others
behind you on the waiting list, you may want to un-join that list
and then rejoin again at the bottom -- perhaps when your name,
now sixth, rises to the top, the game will be good. If youve signed
up for ?any game,? that option is not available to you. You simply
will be put at the bottom of every single list you are on!
At the most popular online card-rooms, you have greater options -
and a lot of information to use in choosing. Dont restrict yourself.
Keep several card-rooms on your computer to choose from. Look
for the games that fit with your style. When your game style
evolves and improves, cruise the lobby for a better fishing hole.
Keep constantly vigilant. Field intelligence is the key to winning.
Look For Distracted Players
Many players assume that strategy for online and live games is the
same. After all, you still receive two down cards, five community
cards, and play against nine opponents. However, there are
several characteristics unique to Internet play that requires subtle
adjustments including playing shorter
Sessions, adjusting your
playing environment, and avoiding distractions at home. Lets
discuss these unique characteristics in a little more detail and the
impact they may have on your strategy.
Youd be surprised how many players play two poker tables at
one time, read e-mail, watch television, or even talk on the
telephone while playing online poker. Those delays we all
experience waiting for someone to take their turn is often caused
by something other than a complex odds calculation. Based on all
of these distractions, some of your opponents may not be aware of
all the action that is taking place. This is yet another reason to use
less deception in your game, since some of your opponents will
not even see some of your plays so that you can gain some future
value out of them.
Since players move in and out of games a lot, cant see your face,
and are distracted by many other things, they tend to notice less
that you are playing a tight game. In a live game, if you sit there a
couple of hours without playing a hand, dont expect a lot of
action when you decide to bet or
Raise. On the Internet, you can
play a straightforward tight game for a long time and still get good
action when you bet since opponents either do not notice or have
not had enough time to realize that you are such a tight player.
On the other hand, if you dont play many hands in a live game,
your chances for pulling off a successful
Bluff are high, while on
the Internet I doubt this gives you much of an advantage. A
on the Internet is usually only profitable by the merits of the play
of the particular hand, not by table image.
So remember, table image is not as important online as in a live
game. Play a more straightforward game with fewer
Bluffs and
protect your hands against those opponents who try to win every
pot by
Bluffing too much.
Look Around For Awhile
Once you have a solid low limit game plan, this becomes
extremely important for becoming a profitable online player. What
good is being a good player if you only play against other
good players? Everyone will shuffle his or her money back and
forth and the house will
Rake it all. Fortunately there are many
easy games online. Find games with players playing
50%+ hands pre-flop, most sites keep statistics of this on their table
lists. Many sites also have note-keeping systems; you can flag a
player as a fish. Every time you see players making poor decisions,
mark them. If you spend enough time on a given site youll notice
many players have been marked as poor. Join the games with
these players. Look out for players with large (800$+)
playing very low limit games (1-2$). These are usually tight
aggressive players.
Monitor Their
Stack Sizes
Keep a very close eye on the exact size of the
Stacks of the
other players. Paradise Poker has a very poor rule where a bet of
any size below a full bet does not constitute a
Raise. For instance,
playing $10/20, on the turn you check with the intention to check
Raise. A player bets all-in for $19, and another calls. Your plan is
screwed. All you can do is call. On the other hand, if you know
that player has $21, you will be able to check
Raise. In bricks and
mortar casino poker, you very often cant tell how many chips a
player has left. Online you know within $1.
Another thing to consider is be careful about completing bets. If
two people check, then somebody bets $19 all-in, you better have
a super-monster to make it $20. Those first two players cant
Raise the $19, but they can check
Raise you when you make
it $20. Likewise, a player behind you can
Raise it to $40 if you
make it $20, but can only
Raise it to $20 if you just call.
While everyone has his or her favorite sites, it's best to
yourself around. Having six different online poker accounts makes
it easy to find soft games at any given time. Don't miss out on
profitable games because you have confined yourself to one site.